Japanese conversation for English speakers 2
Learn Japanese Conversation on Web
This course (section 2) is aimed at English speakers who would like to learn basic - intermediate level Japanese conversation.
If students have completed "Japanese conversation for English speakers 1" or they have any prior basic knowledge of Japanese, it would be perfect to improve their knowledge.
Students will be able to learn 4 basic forms of verbs (Dictionary-form / Masu-form / Te-form / Nai-form ) and how to make each of them. Then, they can learn a variety of expressions with various verbs and adverbs.
Each lesson is related to the former lesson, which enables learners to review and learn more. I frequently compare Japanese grammar to English grammar to avoid confusion. At the end of the course, students will be able to hold basic - intermediate level conversations in Japanese.
Who should take this course?
- Beginners who have completed the section 1 should take this course
- Intermediate-level or Advanced Learners can take this course for their review
What are the requirements?
The only thing needed is your enthusiasm !
This course is the second part of the full set version.
The full set version is available here!
Japanese conversation for English speakers - Full set version
About the Instructor

Over the years I have created and refined a Japanese learning programme for English speakers which includes my own custom illustrations. Through teaching this material for several years, it has been refined to what it is today - a fun, clear and practical way for English speakers to master Japanese conversation.
I currently teach private students in the United Kingdom. I have previously worked as a Japanese teacher assistant in Sand Lake Elementary School in Alaska, USA. I successfully completed the CELTA course and have earned several teaching certificates.
I am committed to providing professional but fun Japanese language lessons for English speakers.
• Ochanomizu University, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo (Liberal Arts and Humanities, Philosophy, Ethics, and Art History Course Bachelor’s degree, 03/2006)
• National Teaching Certifications: Social Study at Junior High School / High School, 03/2006
• National Teaching Certifications: English at Junior High School, 02/2012
• MOS Excel 2010 Expert Certification 12/2011
• MOS PowerPoint 2010 Certification 01/2012
• Cambridge University CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), 15/11/2014
• The 420 hour Advanced Japanese Teacher Training Course, 12/07/2015
Course content
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