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Top Marketing Brand Alchemy: Create Brand Names that Stick and Sell

Brand Alchemy: Create Brand Names that Stick and Sell

How to make & name your ideas, techniques, and products FAR more valuable using “Magic” value-creating techniques!

Here’s a fact: Most things in life cannot be “transformed” into more valuable states very easily.
They can’t be changed from one state to another... from one value to another.

Meaning...It’s not that easy to turn one dollar into two.

Or Turning a seed into a plant... too much hard work.

But through branding. Oh, yes...branding.

Branding is one of the FEW things that can be make things FAR more valuable – with an amazingly small amount of time, effort, and energy.

The way a product/service/idea is presented makes all the difference.

The name that you give your product or service is the highest- leverage Marketing you can do.

Say something one way, and no one listens. Say it another way, and people will do anything, head for the voting booths, or take out their cash.

Here’s the most important lesson you’ll learn in Product Marketing:

How You Say It Matters!

By saying something a slightly different way, you can TRANSFORM the value of something from very low... to very HIGH.

You may not be able to turn lead into gold easily, but you can turn your ideas into MONEY easily, if you understand this approach I'm about to teach in this course.

By the way, you can (and should) use this approach I’m about to teach you with your MARKETING.
It’s one of the best things you'll learn in fact.

Introducing...Brand Alchemy

Brand Alchemy is my most in-depth course on creating a high-value digital product. Deep workshop on getting into the head of your customer and creating names that stick and sell. By the end of the course you’ll be able to create names that not only stick but charge a premium price for.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • How to increase the value of your product by giving it the right name. (Note: many customers will judge your product by what you name it, it’s important you get this right)
  • Not all products are equal – discover advanced product design strategies so you can command a premium price for any product you create
  • Uncover the worst (but AVOIDABLE mistakes) businesses make why coming up with a name and how you can avoid it.

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Who is this course for?

  • You have a quality product you’re proud of but want to give it a name that is worth the effort you’ve put in and more.
  • You’re thinking about a name for your product but don’t know whether it will stick in people’s mind.
  • You have a quality product you’re proud of. I only work with people who know that providing value is the only way to be successful.
  • You have a product or service and you want to promote it online — through your website, email, blog posts, sales pages, or social media.

What are the requirements?

  • You're patient, deliberate, and methodical. You're committed to spending the time to learn how to create brands the right way, and you know this will not happen overnight. You know that if you put in a few hours a week and do the heavy lifting up front, you can enjoy the rewards for years to come.
  • Students should have a strong idea of their ideal customer and their needs and wants.
  • They should ideally have a customer avatar handy.

So if you're ready to create brand names that stick and sell, then go ahead join my course by clicking "Purchase this course".

...and let's start the process of BRAND ALCHEMY.

About the Instructor

Basim Salim
Marketing Expert

Basim Salim is a digital marketing and social media expert who has been connecting people and products through online marketing for more than a half-a-decade.

As a Digital Marketing expert, he draws his experience in online marketing, event marketing and analytics to help experts to promote their work, share their expertise, seize business opportunities, and interact with consumers.

His innovative and unparalleled ability to harness the power of social networks to increase the bottom line has made him a sought after marketing expert.

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